The left-hand 40kmh sign southbound on Belmore Rd Peakhurst at Peakhurst West Public School is completely hidden by an overhanging tree and a power pole. It has been like that since installation. It is also 20m from the nearest power pole.
Only cars in the left lane (see photo below) can cross the intersection because the right lanes are Right Turn Only. The left-hand sign is completely invisible from the left lane before passing the overhanging tree.
During the half-second or so that the sign is visible drivers are checking over their right shoulder preparing to merge right because the left lane ends.
I proposed therefore that my lights at that location be installed on the sign on the right-hand side of the road. That sign is visible from half a kilometre back and is directly beside a power pole to reduce the installation cost as can be seen below.
The RTA refused and insisted that the lights go on the left. That reduced the visibility and effectiveness of my lights and increased their apparent installation cost. Once
again child safety was ignored.
Belmore Rd invisible 40kmh sign on left
Belmore Rd invisible sign rear view
The RTA claimed that the lights have to go on the left because drivers could become distracted if they were on the right, yet many RTA school zone lights are on the right. Examples include:
RTA lights on right on Botany Rd Botany
RTA lights on right on King Georges Rd Beverly Hills
RTA lights on right on McPherson St Mosman