School Zone Anomalies

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8. Hidden or Missing "End School Zone" Signs

At many locations the End School Zone sign is totally hidden by trees etc, or even missing completely. Drivers in those situations are forced to guess where the 40km/h zones end.

If drivers assume they have missed the End School Zone sign on King Georges Rd Beverly Hills and make a similar guess, 500m after passing the school, they get booked by the speed camera.

Forest Rd Arncliffe

Hamilton Rd Fairfield West. End sign on reverse is completely hidden

In Gordon St Brighton-le-Sands, near St Thomas Mores Primary school, there was no End School Zone sign at all for many years. Instead a start 40km/h sign had been installed by mistake. It was first raised in the media on 20 November 2007 but was not rectified until February 2009.