School Zone Anomalies
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4. 40km/h Signs Not Opposite Each Other
At the following school zones the 40km/h signs on each side of the road are not opposite each other. The numbers in brackets indicate how far out of alignment they are. (SB=southbound etc.)
What is the speed limit in the area between the two signs during school zone hours?
- Miranda, Wandella Rd SB (42m)
- Peakhurst, Bonds Rd (35m)
- Seven Hills, Seven Hills North Primary School, Seven Hills Rd (35m)
- Kurnell, Dampier Av SB (27m)
- Cronulla, Burraneer Bay Rd EB near Searl Rd (26m)
- Canterbury, Holden St SB near Second St (24m)
- Lakemba Hampden Rd SB (25m)
- Oatley, Judd St WB (23m)
- Blakehurst, West St EB (21m)
- Beverly Hills, Ponyara Rd WB (19m)
- Lakemba Lakemba St WB near Yerrick Rd (19m)
- Summer Hill Prospect Rd SB near Drynan St (19m)
- Belfield, Margaret St SB (signs opposite but "End 40" sign 19m outside zone)
- Canterbury, High St SB (16m)
- Kingsgrove, Kingsgrove Rd SB Kingsgrove North High north of Homer St (16m)
- Oyster Bay, Oyster Bay Rd EB near Jannali Cres (16m)
- Barden Ridge, Allies Rd (15m)
- Caringbah, Willarong Rd NB (15m)
- Kyeemagh, Beehag St SB near Caroma Av (15m)
- Loftus, National Av NB near Pindari Av, "End 40" sign is 15m before “40” on road and start sign (ie. inside school zone)
- Tempe Unwins Bridge Rd NB (15m)
- Punchbowl, Rossmore Av SB near Turner St (12m)
- Yowie Bay, Warrah Rd NB near Maroopna (11m)

Bonds Rd Peakhurst

Seven Hills Rd Seven Hills
At the town of Caniaba, west of Lismore, there is an even more confusing situation. The painted 40 sign on the road is 227m before the "School Zone" signs themselves. It is co-located with two "School Zone Ahead" signs.
What speed limit applies on that 227m stretch of road during school zone hours?
